Foster care children and youth need family and a safe permanent place to call home.
What is a Child Placement Review (CPR) board?
CPR boards are composed of court appointed and trained volunteers who participate in “the 60 Day Review” of all children and youth entering out-of-home placement.
CPR boards convene as a team of five or more members to conduct case reviews 60 days after a child enters placement, both virtually and in-person depending on county practice. These reviews help ensure that no one remains in placement for an unnecessarily extended period.
There are more than 40 CPR boards operating under the Judiciary’s volunteer services’ program.
What is the 60 Day Review?
The purpose of “the 60 Day Review,” is to verify that the CP&P is safeguarding a child’s best interests through adherence to policies, protocols and timing requirements. CPR boards discuss CP&P’s progress and plans for permanency. Should reunification with the birth parent(s) not be in a child’s best interests, alternative placements are explored and identified.
When the review is complete, CPR boards prepare recommendations to the judge responsible for oversight of the case. Recommendations may involve reconciling missing and/or incomplete documentation and plans and identifying issues that could impede case processing and delay scheduled court hearings. The board may bring to the judge’s attention recommended services or medical assessments not identified in the case plan. Or the board might convey that the CP&P and/or the child’s parent(s) are not meeting required actions for reunification. Based on the board’s recommendations, the judge may issue a court order requiring compliance.
During the Initial CPR Board Review, a CPR board may recommend that a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer be assigned to a child, particularly when there are extensive emotional or medical needs.
What does NJ CPAC do?
NJ CPAC advocates for the best interests of children and youth placed into foster care. “Out-of-home placement” is the term used by the CP&P to refer to children in foster care.
NJ CPAC collaborates with the Judiciary, Executive and Legislative branches of state government to meet the goal of safety, timely permanency and the well-being of children and youth in out-of-home placement. The board also partners with a network of state and private agencies and non-profits involved in the welfare of New Jersey children and families.
NJ CPAC’s legal mandates are defined under the Child Placement Review (CPR) Act of 1978 and include the following:
Annual Report
NJ CPAC issues an annual report advising the New Jersey supreme court, governor and legislature on whether New Jersey is meeting the needs of the children and youth placed in its care. The report includes recommendations for system-wide improvements and data metrics on the state-wide Child Placement Review (CPR) volunteer program.
State-Level Advocacy
NJ CPAC regularly communicates with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) on issues related to the smooth operations of CPR boards, such as training and recruitment.
NJ CPAC meets annually with the New Jersey chief justice and the acting administrative director of the AOC to discuss recent accomplishments, findings and recommendations.
NJ CPAC’s Legislative Committee meets with state legislators and/or legislative aides to advocate for laws, amendments to laws, and policies aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the CPR program and on strengthening fragile families. The NJ CPAC Legislative Committee may also address legislative hearings in support of its goal of child advocacy.
NJ CPAC Training Programs
NJ CPAC offers trainings during each year as well as an Annual Conference at no cost to volunteers and professionals in the child welfare community. These events emphasize peer-to-peer sharing, learning, and networking. NJ CPAC workshops and conferences are opportunities for the community to learn about current evidence-based child development research and changes in methods, case practice and laws. Nationally recognized experts are frequently featured, and NJ CPAC brings emerging issues and new programs to the community’s forefront.
Receive information about training workshops and the NJ CPAC Annual Conference
Ambassador Program
The NJ CPAC Ambassador Program strengthens relationships and communications between NJ CPAC and CPR board volunteers. Members of NJ CPAC visit each of the 21 county CPR boards throughout the state to observe, learn and to share best practices with all vicinages.
What is “out-of-home” placement?
The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) focuses on preserving and strengthening families and on preventing the need to place children outside of their homes. Out-of-home placement, commonly called “foster care,” occurs when a child needs to be removed from the home of a biological parent(s) or legal guardian to ensure the child’s safety and well-being. Out-of-home placement is intended as a temporary solution for children who need to be removed from their home until the home situation can be stabilized and deemed safe.
What is “reunification”?
All children need the security of growing up in a permanent family. When children are removed from the home to ensure their safety, the primary goal for most is to return home as soon as possible. The process of reuniting families is called reunification. For reunification to occur, every effort is made to build on the family’s strengths and make the home safe, healthy and stable. This journey is multi-faceted and often involves that intensive services be provided to the parent, child and/or other family members.
What is “permanency”?
Permanency in child welfare can have different meanings depending on the child, family, and circumstance. Generally, it refers to a permanent living arrangement that is in the best interests of the child, whether residing with a parent, relative or with an unrelated adult through a legal arrangement, such as adoption. In nearly all cases reviewed by CPR boards, safely reuniting a child with the child’s parent(s) is the first goal. For older children and youth, the goal may be an educational program leading to independent living.
A case plan identifies a case goal and specific requirements and/or services to be completed to allow for the reunification of a family. The aim is for a child to remain in placement for as short a time as possible.
When the primary goal is returning the child to the home (reunification), a secondary case goal, a concurrent plan, is required should permanency not be achieved within the legally prescribed timeframes detailed in the case plan.
How do I join a CPR board?
Refer to
How do I join NJ CPAC?
A CPR board volunteer is welcome to apply after being a member in good standing for at least 12 months. Materials relating to the election of NJ CPAC Officers is available under Resources for CPR Volunteers.