
Thank you for your interest in NJ CPAC

We hope that these resources will enhance your understanding of the history and mission of NJ CPAC and the laws, standards and practices that guide the CPR program.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ)

NJ CPAC Annual Reports and Recommendations


Bylaws of the CPAC Executive Board

NJ state statute providing legal definition of child abuse and neglect

Directives issued by the Administrative Director of the Courts on the CPR program

General subjects of interest to CPR boards and program staff

Training for CPR volunteers

Each CPR volunteer is trained in the CPR Initial Review by local court staff. Board members must complete a total of 5 hours of training each year as stated in Directive #19-17. Training includes discussions on laws and issues related to child abuse and neglect, overview of the NJ court system, case flow of CPR cases and a mock review.

CPAC also provides training as part of its annual conference.

Access online application and learn about qualifications and vacancies